First Blog

Well, this technically isn't my first blog entry, but it is the first one on this blog. I decided to try out a new blog format since LiveJournal reminded me too much of writing a blog for class. Anyway, I'll see how this one goes. Hopefully more people will find this one and enjoy reading it.

So, what is new with me? I guess that taking my last final in graduate school counts for new and exciting (blushes). Yesterday was such a long day for me with work from 9-5 and then class from 6 until whenever. I really don't know how everyone in the program who worked full time kept up that schedule for two years. I was so relieved when I finished my final and left class for the last time. I actually finished my final before every person but one in the class (if you know me well, you know this is completely unlike me). I think I was just ready to be done.

Now I just have to concentrate on working at the museum. I've been working full time since last Thursday and will continue to work as the PR assistant until May 22nd. Things are getting busy at the museum now with the China exhibit opening next week. Luckily it has been beautiful outside the last two days so I've been able to eat lunch outside. I love the sun!

That's all for now.

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