Project 365 | Week 4

Apologies for not posting these pictures yesterday evening — I blame a weekend full of skating, a super tragic ending on Downton Abbey, and plain old forgetfulness.

This past week was all about skating, skating, and more skating (it's the best week of the year). I also celebrated President Obama's inauguration, a fun new haircut, and starting on my new cross-stitch project.

1-21 Obama

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Project 365 | Week 3

While my work week was rather ordinary this week, I did manage to have some fun this weekend. On Saturday I drove downtown to eat lunch at Whole Foods and shop, and on Sunday I went to the Austin Grand Prix and saw Missy Franklin, Ryan Lochte, and others swim. Here's to another week of this project!

All keyed up
Heading into Curves on Monday — I actually worked out three times this week!

Project 365 | Week 2

Week #2 of Project 365 is complete! This was an odd week with lots of rain on Tuesday and Wednesday and much warmer weather on Friday and Saturday. I spent a lot of time at work over the course of the week (of course) but enjoyed trying a new place for lunch on Saturday (Elevation Burger). So far it hasn't been too difficult to take a picture each day, but I'm definitely relying on my iPhone camera (and the TimerCam app) a lot.

Desk calendar
Desk calendar

Project 365 | Week 1

I began taking pictures for Project 365 on Tuesday, January 1. Although I had been working on a different idea for my first picture, Max (Paul and Esther's new puppy) was just too cute and earned the honor of being in the first photo. Most of the other photos were taken around work and home, except for January 5, which was shot in Cedar Park.

Max, Paul and Esther's new puppy

Project 365 | 2013

As I mentioned previously, I am planning to complete my second Project 365 in 2013. I've been thinking about starting another project for a while now, and I'm excited (and just a little nervous) to begin taking a picture a day again.

One of the biggest inspirations for starting a new Project 365 was finishing a photo book about my first project. I created it on Blurb, and you can see a picture of it above. As I worked on the book, I smiled and sometimes grimaced to see the pictures I had captured. I'm so glad I embarked on that project almost three years ago — I never would have taken the pictures of Natick and Massachusetts that I did without it. However, I'd like to think that I've grown as a photographer over the years. Some of the photos are great, and others, well, I guess that's just how I took pictures back then. :)

My two main goals for the 2013 project are (1) to document my everyday life and (2) to become a better photographer. They are purposefully vague because I think it's too big of a project to get really specific. I figure each day that I take a photo I will fulfill #1, and by the end of the year, I should be able to cross off #2. The most important thing is to take a picture each day.

Instead of posting each day like I did earlier, I'm planning to do a weekly post each Sunday.  The first post should go up a few minutes after this one. I hope all of you enjoy going on this journey with me again. Thanks for your encouragement in advance!

Goals for 2013

Welcome 2013!

As 2012 came to an end, I decided to create a list of goals for 2013. I'm not usually one for New Year's resolutions, but this year I decided to write down a few achievable, fun goals (mixed in with some challenging ones) and check up on my progress throughout the year. We'll see how this goes. :)
  • Refocus on being healthy and happy. (working out, eating better, etc.)
  • Reread the Anne books.
  • Really commit to learning more about photography — through books, classes, online tutorials, etc.
  • Visit Massachusetts in the fall. (Still trying to figure out how to make this happen!)
  • Write, write, write.
  • Commit to being more patient with people and situations.
  • Learn more about graphic design.
  • Get to know Austin and Central Texas better — I want to take advantage of my weekends to go explore.
  • Write more in my blog.
  • Complete my second 365 photography project. (More on this in an upcoming post, but I've already taken pictures one and two.)
  • Adopt a new kitten. (I feel like this could be on every list I've ever created.)
  • Take a class of some kind.
  • Finish this sewing project.

Happy New Year, everyone!