I ♥ Big Blue!

It's the thick of winter up here in New England, which means that I am completely indebted to Big Blue, my huge puffy jacket. I've had Big Blue for three winters, and I think a huge part of my survival up here has been due to the warmth and comfort that the jacket provides.

What makes Big Blue so great . . .
  • It's basically a sleeping bag with sleeves (the original Snuggie!). I don't feel too much of the cold once I have it on. I've joked that I could fall down and be covered with snow for two weeks but still survive because of the insulation.
  • It's padded. I fell down the steps of my apartment last year, but because I was wearing Big Blue, I didn't feel too much.
  • When I pull the hood up, my face is almost completely hidden. Great for when I don't want to be seen.
  • It doesn't matter if it gets wet because it's waterproof.
  • It's big and blue.
Today I decided to be brave and leave the house without Big Blue. Bad idea. It was so cold on the way to the train that I considered going back to my apartment to change jackets. Luckily, I made it through the day, but Big Blue will definitely be making a comeback tomorrow. It's too cold to go outside without it!

I ♥ Big Blue!

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