30 Things to Be Thankful For - Day 4

I love Sammy — I really do.

But as I was working on this entry, he was playing with the blinds, scratching the dining room chair, and jumping on and off the kitchen counter. I had to use my trusty water bottle to get him to calm down.

He's exasperating, tiresome, and sometimes such a darn nuisance that I wish I could give him away. He's given me some of the worst scratches ever and nearly destroyed my computer.

Yet when he snuggles up next to me, looks at me with his big green eyes, and purrs, I melt.

Yes, I love this cat. And I don't know what I would do without him.

1 comment:

  1. I like the biggest picture of Sammy. He looks very Jedi-esque, like he's trying to read your mind.
